A Mocha Praline Terrine Recipe

Serves 6

I have held on to this recipe for over 20 years. Despite this I have never made it. You will appreciate the familiar excuses. Too busy and too many commitments. But then again I have a huge amount of them. It’s such a shame and yet I am always curious as to why I can find a recipe one day and make it the next and yet this and others sit untouched for so long. I am sure the same thing happens to everyone. This recipe sounded appealing at the time and still does. Maybe it’s the preparation which is putting me off. Please make it before I do!


¹/³ cup caster sugar
2 tablespoons custard powder
1½ cups milk
3 teaspoons instant coffee powder
80g dark chocolate, melted
1 x 600ml carton thickened cream


¾ cup slivered almonds
1½ cups caster sugar
¾ cup water


Line an 11cm x 25cm loaf dish (6 cup capacity) with a strip of foil to cover base and extend above two opposite sides
Combine sugar and custard powder in a pan, gradually stir in milk blended with coffee powder
Stir over heat until mixture boils and thickens
Stir in chocolate and cream
Pour mixture into a 20cm x 30cm lamington pan
Cover and freeze until firm

Chop coffee mixture into pieces transfer to a small bowl, beat with an electric mixer until creamy
Spoon mixture into prepared loaf dish
Cover a freeze until firm


Spread almonds on a oven tray
Cook in a moderate oven 180° C (350° F) for about 5 minutes, or until lightly browned
Transfer almonds in an even layer on to a lightly oiled tray
Combine sugar and water in a pan, stir over low heat, without boiling, until sugar is dissolved
Bring to boil, boil, uncovered, for about 10 minutes,or until golden brown
Pour over almonds; cool
When cold, break into pieces
Blend or process half the pieces until finely crushed

Turn out terrine, remove foil
Roll in crushed Praline, pressing on firmly
Serve sliced with extra Praline pieces


The Lamington pan can be replaced by any other similar sized pan with sides
You can substitute the foil for non-stick baking paper in the loaf tin

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