Melting Moments Biscuit Recipe

These Melting Moment Biscuits are an old favorite. This recipe is from an old Womens’ Magazine and is dated February 11, 1963. Although there will be many Melting Moment recipes on the internet I doubt that one like this will be easily found. These biscuits are not shaped like the traditional round biscuit. These Melting Moments are shaped like daisies. Because the recipe is old all of the most of the quantities are in ounces. Use the conversion chart to convert to metric measurements.Try this recipe and see how you go.


4 oz butter
1 oz icing sugar
2 oz cornflour
2 oz self raising flour
red food coloring


1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon raspberry jam
2 tablespoons icing sugar


Cream butter and sugar
Add cornflour and flour sifted together
Color half of the dough pink
Use mixtures to make three variations
Roll pink and white dough into little balls
Press three little balls of one color together
Press one of opposite color to make a centre

Repeat several times to make clover shaped biscuits
Decorate some single balls with cut out stars of different color and join with filling
Make 6-petal daisies with a round center piece
Place on a baking tray covered with baking paper
Cook in a moderate oven for 20 minutes or until brown


Cream butter and jam together and add icing sugar


Roll dough into an even amount of balls and press each ball down softly
Sandwich together with filling and bake
Will keep in an air tight container for 3 days at least
Ensure the biscuits are cold before putting into a container

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